Friday, July 25, 2008

The price of beauty

Looks like the going rate to "look good" is going up these days, at least in my world. I just spend 70 bucks on this


It goes up to 410 degrees so I think it's well worth it. Plus the cute pink color is the icing on the cake. I also spent 30 bucks on a ballet workout video. It's supposed to transform your body into a dancers body in no time. I'm excited to get into it.

I am also excited to get into Austin and party like my feet are on fire! cuz thats how ima be lookin every weekend. Trust me. You're only 21 for 1 year out of your life so you might as well wear it out like your favorite pair of shoes!

So on a much heavier subject, I have heard that congressman Dennis Kucinich will be (or already has) presenting a declaration of impeachment in front of Congress today. He had this petition circulating all around the net and I guess enough people signed off on it and now he's able to take a huge step towards having those criminals of mass destruction punished for their crimes. I for one signed that petition and sent him a short letter stating my appreciation and hope to get some justice out of this horrible state that our country is in. Here's the video if you're intersted.

Hopefully we will be hearing about the outcome of this presentation soon. That's if the media allows it. =\

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dark Knight

So I along with thousands of other Americans enjoyed a brilliant rendition of Batman this weekend. I think Heath Ledger did a fantastic job. He is by far the radest Joker EVER! It's a sad shame that he died right before he could be awarded for it. =[
Throughout the movie I couldn't help but wonder how it's even possible to become someone else to the point that you disappear into this different persona. I mean Heath was so much the Joker that he even walked like the Joker would. It was crazy. So eerie his role was.


Imagine waking up to that every night. *shudders*

Why so serious?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Silent Story

It's funny how things are so simple and yet on the surface so chaotic. And it seems like when you think of any aspect of life there's always a distinct opposite to it. Of coourse there's good and evil, young and old, black and white. There are those who know truth and those who don't. I remember learning about Plato and all of the bright philosophers of our time who spent endless hours searching their brains for the meaning of life. Plato developed The Theory of Forms as a result of his research. This theory of his, in spite of its madness, reduced human nature and mother nature itself (the spatio-temporal world that we live in) into a dream. To Plato, the only reality is in the world of the Forms. You can only find true knowledge in this relm. This means, according to Plato, everything we think we know is only a very small fraction of the way it truely is. Down to the smallest piece of grain from a slab of wood. Everything on this earth has a one true form. So there is one true person, one true book, one true table, etc. Plato believed that at one time before our individual births into this phony world, we saw the land of the Forms (well our souls did anyway). And in order to have true knowledge of something one must be "revisited" with a recollection of the souls experience in that relm. Give or take a few details here and there, this was Plato's argument for the truth behind our existence. Noone could ever imagine that he came up with this after having a deep conversation with Socrates over what virtue means. SMH.

AnywaY this astounded me. As I sat looking up at my professor with my mouth wide open I thought of how truely complicated the human mind can get and yet how it wastes much of its thoughts on useless nonsense. This is life. This is human nature. No matter how things are in the world around you people will never cease to question the truth behind their own existence. In almost all these cases they end up finding every excuse in the book rather than simply giving God the glory and being done with it. Nevertheless, I might be able to see the mistakes people make regarding these things but no matter what, people will look the other way and place themselves at the center of the universe. Like Descartes once said "I think, therefore, I am."

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The most literal poem I've ever written.

Silent Story

Vultures are flying around this neighborhood
Moving in circles that form shadows where
Spiders spin webs in rapid rhythm. Before them,
This place was a library.
In that library there
Were books about planes and Indians.
People read these books
In silence under fluorescent
Lights that heated the ink
That would melt the words and they
Changed according to the time or to the
Person who possessed it.
Before the books, there were stories;
But they too would change
And disintegrate under the
Heat. The library
Stood in place of a house that
Once had life. The laughter cracked
The concrete foundation and it crawled
Up the walls into the rooms
Until it reached the top.
The life crumbled
Within the house
While the highway behind it
Murmured through the wind.
There were once cars on that
They drove on cracked
Pavement that zig
Zagged all the
Way down
To the train railing
Out of control
Into the pit
Beneath the highway
Where the cars
Fell onto each other.
Some cars would break away
And drive backwards towards
The beginning of the ramp where trees
Quaked from the ground up in silent anticipation.
The leaves fell down upon the lawns and the children
Played in them with their ears to the ground listening
To the sound of thunder.

©08 VAW

Just think outside the box on this one. It isn't as odd as it may seem =]