Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Hello there!

So I have decided to create a brand new blog domain. Amidst my several blogs that are floating around out there in internet land, this blog is going to be about my specific interests; God, writing, art, fashion, current events (world news), and college life! With a more impersonal vibe, I'll be posting pictures, poems, videos and different things that I find intersting. Feel free to comment. =]

In this pic. I'm wearing brown tights and a necklace that my grandmother gave me. (the spiked one). I love my furry boots and tights! I want a pair of tights in every color.

Ok I will be updating as often as I can. *smile*



Caroline said...

hey there hehe
yay for blogger...
i'll be using mine to update ppl on my life in korea hehe...

StrongBadVal said...

YAY!!! Make sure you update on the celeb sightings!