Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blog Space

I just recently got a Twitter which I was debating about in my head for a while. Do I honestly need another reason to procrastinate? But I'm sure even without this internet technology that I'd find some way to not do my homework or study or do anything that requires me to use a significant amount of brain power. I'm a modern day cave woman. At least I can love.

That's all that matters anyway right? Love is all we need. After all it's the love of ourselves that keeps us propelling our bodies forward into the world/lion's den. We are all prey to the world and subject to become victims of natural selection. Only the truly fit shall prosper...and if you believe that than you might as well cease to exist. Honesty won't get you to the top. Neither will being nice. There's a reason why they call money "the root of all evil". Love is all we truly need. Even those people who love money need love. It was their love for money that got them their riches (in this world) but then what?

Anyway I feel like I've been rambling about this subject for too long now. I'm starting to sound like:

So I've added a couple new links to the right side of my page. and If you have a craving for conspiracy theory based news and street fashion then those sites will give you a good fix =P

As for me, I'm going to continue looking out of these eyes with my outlook more optimistic than ever before <3


Thursday, March 12, 2009

My current obsession

Alexander McQueen. He is to fashion as I am to poetry. A surrealist explosion.

I want my boyfriend to dress like this:

Sometimes I wish I were a boy so I could wear these awesome clothes.

Despite the weirdness (which I love) you could totally pull off wearing his clothes in real life. I would =D
