Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Something wicked this way comes.

For years now many people (scholars, economists, Ron Paul) saw this crisis coming. For years these people have been warning the government and the people that our economy is on a downward spiral towards something worse than the Great Depression. The government called these people crazy and continued to print more money from the Federal Reserve - which got us into this problem in the first place - and now they plan to force us to bail out the crooks in Wall Street. This is completely unconstitutional. The government, by law, is supposed to stay out of free enterprise and let the economy work out itself.

But of course that is irrelevant. The constitution has been neglected and mocked so much by our government that it might as well just disappear all together. The sad part about it is that they aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

This puts America in a difficult situation. How do we regain our rights? Why oh why are we paying for the mistakes that the greedy criminals on Wall Street made? They're telling us that this is the only way to help our economy. Those banks got themselves into this crisis, THEY should have to pay for it! But instead, the white house wants to bail them out so that they don't have to downgrade their already extravagant lifestyles (bought off the backs of the people) to a more humble way of living. Bush wants to keep his rich friends and the elite comfortable even if that means taking away from the rest of us.

They don't even know what's going on! They don't have a solid reason as to why this has happened...So we have to come up with $700 billion dollars to help the rich stay rich for a reason unknown to anyone? In a few days (maybe less) Congress will pass Legislation that will completely rob us of our Constitutional rights.

Meanwhile, Bush's lapdog, McCain, wants to postpone the debates on Friday until this situation is "sorted out." Yeah right, McCain. This cowardly move is almost as transparent as the Bush administration's sinister undertones.

*big deep breath*

Ok. I'm done.

For now.

Oh one more thing. Matt Damon made a comment saying if Sarah Palin becomes president it would be like a terrible Disney movie. LOL! here it is: